The newest qBTN DIY WiFi Enabled ESP32 IOT DevKit is coming to help hobbyists, makers and all DIYers create low power cloud connected applications in a minute. Designed to be used with small LiPol battery, qBTN ESP32 WiFi IOT board, having everything onboard, allows you to build local sensors data monitoring, security and alarm systems and other IOT solutions.
- Efficient Power Management: LiPol battery, integrated charger & low Iq LDO regulator;
- Сomprehensive peripheral: RTC and calendar IC, motion and temperature sensors;
- Enhanced indication: PWM controller with five RGB LEDs, vibro & sound alerts;
- Easy to use: embedded USB bridge with ESP programmer;
- Open source tools and environments: Arduino IDE & Esperssif SDK compatible.
Built-in Features:
- "Small & Сute": it is just 1,34" (24 mm) round 4-layers board;
Wireless Included: Feature-rich ESP32 SOC with integrated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity;
- Security Alert & Motion detection: LIS3DH accelerometer;
- Local Condition monitoring: LM75 Temperature sensor;
- Real Time Clock & Calendar : PCF85063A RTC chip;
- Funny visual indication: PWM controller with five RGB LEDs around and one status LED;
- User alert capability: externally driven magnetic buzzer and powerful vibro;
- Simple and sufficient user controls: User and Reset buttons;
- Programming ready: Integrated USB FT231XQ-R bridge with ESP programmer.
Datasheet: coming soon...
Schematic : https://github.com/iotbotscom/qButton_HW/blob/main/qButton_sch.pdf
Demo: coming soon...